Deep Dive Mandeworkshop

(English description below)

Kender du det?

  • Du har brugt noget tid og energi på at arbejde med dig selv i terapi, coaching eller andre former for selvudvikling
  • Du har måske været med i et Mandegruppeforløb, været på en workshop eller to, og fået øje på nogle ting i dig selv, men ikke rigtigt fået fat om roden
  • Du får ikke rigtigt arbejdet med tingene i en hverdag fuld af kæreste, børn, job og for meget af det hele
  • Du er stadig pleaser / hjælper og en Fantastisk Flink Fyr overfor kæreste, venner, kolleger, naboer
  • Du ender med at blive skakmat overfor kæresten (eller chefen / ungerne / Mor) og alle hendes følelser, tanker, ord og gode idéer om hvad du kunne, skulle og burde være og gøre

Er du bange for

  • at det ikke rigtigt ændrer sig, at du er låst fast på det sted du er
  • at der nedenunder er noget du ikke har fået øje på
  • at det er en barriere du ikke selv kan bryde igennem
  • at du går glip af en masse liv
  • at der går endnu en dag / uge / måned / år i samme skure

Kunne du tænke dig

  • at give dig selv plads og tid - nogle dage, hvor kæresten, jobbet og resten af verden kan rende dig
  • at arbejde med dig selv på et dybere plan, end det der foregår i regnearket oppe i hovedet
  • at give den en skalle og grave markant mere indad end du har gjort før
  • at bryde grænser - mentalt og følelsesmæssigt - du ikke har været igennem før
  • at opleve, hvordan det er virkelig at opleve dig selv - autentisk, rå, vred, sårbar, kraftfuld og stærk
  • et "stort" rum med maskulin udvikling uden fnidder og hensynsbetændelse
  • at blive parat til at give både dig selv og verden et ordentligt los

Se her hvad tidligere deltagere siger om DeepDive

DeepdiveicebergDet er en intens workshop, som skraber dybt, tager panseret af dig og rydder en bunke gammelt ragelse ud fra lageret - OG giver dig værktøjer til at fastholde dig selv på et højere niveau end før.

Det er IKKE

  • et kursus i "anger management" - men du kommer nok i kontakt med følelser der ikke er plads til i din hverdag
  • et kanindræberkursus, men der er en moderat - tilpas - mængde fysisk, mental og følelsesmæssig udfordring
  • hverken hjernevask eller "Tvind cirkel". Du bliver ikke tvunget til at gøre eller deltage i noget du ikke vil. Til gengæld har du 100% ansvar for både det, du får ud af processen - og det du ikke kan / vil / tør konfrontere.
  • et teorikursus. Vi arbejder med en stærk teoretisk ramme - men du kommer ikke til at sidde og svede på skolebænken - det er 95% oplevelses- og øvelsesorienteret.
  • et "feel good" / "7 nemme trin til evig lykke" / "du er perfekt som du er"-seminar. Hvis det var nemt havde du nok allerede gjort det!
  • vildt grænseoverskridende. Vi tror på at udvikling og gennembrud sker grænsen - ikke ved at overskride den med 500%

Der bliver markant mere tid til og fokus på den individuelle proces end sædvanlig. Formatet handler om fordybelse i din "egen proces", mærke din kerne, se dine egne spøgelser i øjnene og opdage det, som i virkeligheden holder dig tilbage. Som altid med et rimeligt stort indhold af kropsarbejde, og med en fordybelse i både kendte værktøjer og ting vi ikke har præsenteret før i Mandegrupperne.

Processen faciliteres på både dansk og engelsk - så sprog ikke er en barriere

Deep Dive 5 days Men's Workshop

Recognize this?

  • you have spent time and energy on coaching, therapy, a weekend workshop or other forms of self-development
  • you have seen some of your patterns, but haven't really got to the bottom of it
  • you're not really getting the work done in a busy setting with partner, kids, job and too much of everything
  • you're still a pleaser, helper and a very Nice Guy with your partner, friends, collegues and the neighbour
  • you end up checkmate with your partner (or the boss / kids/ Mum) and all her emotions, thoughts, words and fancy ideas about what YOU could, should and ought to be and do

Are you afraid that

  • it'll never change
  • you are locked in that place
  • there's something you haven't seen
  • there is a barrier you can't break through
  • you are missing out on Life
  • another day / week / month / year will pass

Are you longing for

  • more space and time - a chunk off the grid where your partner, your job and the rest of the world can F*** off
  • working with yourself on a deeper level, than the daily buzz of your mind's ongoing spreadsheet
  • giving it - and your self - a really big push and look further inwards than you have done before
  • break new barriers, mentally and emotionally
  • experience how it feels to really be YOU, authentic, raw, angry, open, powerful and strong
  • a seriously spacious room for masculine development - with no BS and "Nice Guy inflammation"
  • kicking some serious butt on both your self and the world

This is an intense workshop, scraping to the depth, peeling the panzer and cleaning out a bunch of old stuff from the warehouse. AND it gives you the tools to maintain yourself on a higher level of awareness.

it is NOT

  • a course in Anger Management. You will get in touch with emotions that find no place in your busy everyday
  • a "kill the rabbit"-type of navy seal challenge. There will be a moderate - suitable - amount of physical, mental and emotional challenge
  • brainwash or a peer pressuring gang. You aren't forced to do or participate in anything you aren't ready for. However, you are 100% responsible for how deep you go; both what you get from the process - and what you choose to miss out on / won't confront
  • a theory class. We are working within a strong theoretical framwork, but you won't be sitting on the school bench. It is a 95% experiential process.
  • a "feel good" / 7 easy steps to happiness / "you're perfect just the way you are"-seminar. If i was easy, you would probably already have done it.
  • extremely challenging. We believe that change, breakthrough and transformation happens AT the boundary - not by crossing it 500%

There will be considerably more time for your individual process than usual. This format is about deepening your own process, feeling your core, facing your inner demons and discover what's really holding you back. As always with a fair amount of body work - and both a deepening of tried and known tools, and work we haven't previously done in the Men's groups.

Practical info:

Place: Mellem-rummet, Samsø,

Time: Next event TBA


  • 100% men
  • 100% focus = You'll leave all devices at arrival - and have no contact with the "outside world" during the workshop. Contact is available from the outside in case of real emergencies
  • 100% delicious and healthy catering
  • 100% sensing = we remove all the inhibitors most of us use (facebook, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol etc.)
  • Programme from early till late every day
    • Exercises individually, 1:1 and small groups
    • Practise and Men's circles
    • Plenty of space for introspection and self reflection
  • Facilitation in both English and Danish (language is not a barrier)

Feed Back from previous participants


  • DKK 9.500,- (EUR 1.250,-) all incl.
  • Deposit DKK 3.500,- (EUR 450,-) at registration - the balance is due 30 days before the start date - or your seat is lost.
  • Invoice for company customers: Price is + VAT
  • REPEATER discount: Previous participants (Mens groups and/or workshops) facilitated by Eli Buren, Tomas Friis, Søren Stistrup or Karl-Otto Sandvik qualifies for a 20% discount (Price: DKK 7.600 / EUR 1.015,- repeater discount is NOT combinable with other discounts).


  1. Transfer deposit (details below)
  2. E-mail to - with your name, phone  and brief info on
    • Your previous experience with self-development and/or Men's Work
    • Any special needs / considerations (e.g. medical conditions, dietary requirements - or any question or concerns you might have). Please get in touch  or +45 4031 4014


  • Deposit of DKK 3.500,- secures your seat at registration (Deposit is non-refundable, no matter what reason, but your seat can be transferred to any other participating Man).
  • The balance is due no later than 30 days before the workshop – or your seat is lost)
  • Please transfer deposit or full fee (Text: “Deep + date + your name”)
    MobilePay to 54441 - or
    Bank- transfer to
    Danske Bank
    Reg.No. 4820
    Acc.No. 10290120
    Account holder: Tomas Friis
    IBAN: DK4430000010290120
  • Payment by credit card is possible - a handling fee of 2% is charged - please notify if you prefer paying by credit card.

Cancellation policy:

  • until 30 days before the workshop: Deposit is lost (but you can transfer your seat to another Man)
  • 30 or less days before the workshop: 50% of full price is lost (but you can transfer your seat to another Man)
  • 14 or less days: Full payment is lost (but you can transfer your seat to another Man)
  • In the unlikely event that the organizer cancels the workshop, your full payment will naturally be refunded

Facilitation by Tomas Friis, Falcon Kise & Karl-Otto Sandvik + assistants.

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